Free quotation

Every translation or editing project is different. We take a close look at your documents and prepare a free personalized quotation, taking into account the subject matter, the volume of text and our estimation of the work involved.

For a quotation, send us your document(s) using the contact form and we will respond within one business day.


Turnaround time

Turnaround time will depend on the volume and difficulty of the text.

The translator / copy editor will often consult with the author of the manuscript concerning specific terminology or intended meanings if passages are unclear, so please allow extra time for these discussions. We will make additional revisions based on your feedback. You will be interacting directly with the translator and the quality of the final manuscript will benefit enormously from this personal attention!

If you have a specific deadline, please indicate this when you send us your text. We will tell you immediately whether on not we can meet your deadline. If not, we won't accept the project. It's that simple.

Once agreed, it is a point of honour for us to ALWAYS meet our deadlines.

If the translation or editing is urgent and the deadlines are very tight, this will be reflected in the quotation.



If your goal is to publish your manuscript, please indicate the name of the journal and/or publisher. Publishers often have their own house style and generally follow certain academic guidelines for formatting citations and references. We will apply these guidelines to your manuscript.



As we are dealing with unpublished scholarly material and internal business documents, we consider confidentiality to be of the utmost importance. We guarantee that your documents and all communication between us will remain confidential.


File formats

We work with the most common file formats:

open office-logo
Google docs
Google docs

Be aware, however, that translating a PowerPoint or a PDF with images is more time consuming (and more costly) than translating a plain text document. Image files such as figures or diagrams that contain text may have to be reproduced from the original.