
Andrew's work is more than professional. It is passionate, engaged and engaging...
When I receive the translated/revised articles it is like a one-to-one English course for me. His comments and suggestions are as precious as the quality of the translation in itself. And he always respects the agreed deadlines ! For academic publications (in management and the social sciences) he is a great support.

[See published article in the Journal of Business Ethics: "Hybridization Work and CSR Integration in a Japanese Multinational Company"]

Valentina Carbone
Associate Professor
Information and operations management
ESCP Europe


Andrew Beresford provided timely, flexible and detailed copy editing support for our paper in the late stages of the review process at Industry and Innovation. [see the published paper here: Proximity and multinational enterprise co-location in clusters: a multiple case study of Dutch science parks.]
We were very impressed by his ability to provide detailed commentary and advice on our language use in a manner that showed a clear understanding of the (international) strategy and innovation focus of our paper. There is no doubt that our paper benefitted greatly from his work and he will be the first person I turn to for this type of support in the future. I recommend his work without hesitation.

Dr Johan Lindeque
Senior Research Associate, School of Business FHNW
Assistant Professor of Strategy
University of Amsterdam Business School

Andrew was of immense help in revising our manuscript for a highly-ranked academic journal. In addition to correcting the grammar and syntax of the text, Andrew provided insightful comments on the content and structure of the study that helped me and my co-author clarify our thinking. The quality and value of the work were superb and it was accompanied by great communication throughout the process. I'm happy to recommend Andrew to anyone who wishes to take their writing to the next level.

[See published paper in Journal of Cleaner Production.]

Matti Pihlajamaa
Senior Scientist
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


A few years back, we were looking for a professional copy-editor to help my co-author and I improve the readability of an accepted paper for a peer-reviewed journal in supply chain management. Andrew was suggested to us by several of our colleagues and I must say we couldn’t be luckier. His precision, professionalism and constructive input make him the best copy-editor I have worked with, even within short deadlines. Andrew is without hesitation my first choice and it’s always a pleasure to work with him.

Diego Vega
Assistant Professor
Hanken School of Economics
Helsinki, Finland

I have had several opportunities to benefit from Andrew Beresford’s precious help in preparing manuscripts for submission to top journals. He has always been extremely available and does not hesitate to go over the manuscript several times until everything has been checked in detail and all pending queries have been answered. His suggestions for improvement are always spot-on. Moreover, he is not only quick in responding and getting the job done, but has also made himself available for very short deadlines, including over weekends sometimes, to help us keep our own deadlines for submission. I highly recommend him for his professionalism and efficiency!

[Article published in Organization Studies: "Beyond the Stable Image of Institutions" January 2019]

Mar Perezts  
Associate Professor
Management, Law and Human Resources Department
EM Lyon business school


Andrew, just to let you know that our  paper on crowd logistics & value co-creation has finally been accepted by the Journal of Business Logistics !
[see published article here:
The Rise of Crowd Logistics: A New Way to Co-Create Logistics Value]
You know this was very important for us, it's the best journal we have published in until now. Undoubtedly, your role has been major in this success so please accept again my very sincere thank-you mail !

Christine Roussat
Maitre de Conférences
Université Blaise Pascal, IUT d’Allier
CRET-LOG Université Aix-Marseille


Thanks to your effective translation our paper has been accepted :-))
[See published paper here: The Representation of Shopping in Children's Books]

Olivier Badot
Professor of Marketing
[former] Associate Dean of Research
ESCP Europe


Andrew does not just offer basic English language editing, he adopts the perspective of a potential journal editor and often suggests extensive improvements to the manuscript. I send him my articles written in my sometimes awkward English and I receive an elegantly written text back. Andrew also puts right my literal translations of quotes extracted from interviews conducted in French. After his fast but rigorous editing, the article is ready to be submitted to a top-level journal!
[See published article in Human Resource Management: The phenomenon of young talent management in Russia—A context-embedded analysis]

Maral Muratbekova-Touron
Professor of human resources management
ESCP Europe

Paris Campus